Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reasons to keep doing the Salt Water Flush

Why Salt?

Salt has been used throughout the ages as a preservative and to draw out poisons. Salt will not do harm when used this way and will sterilize and make it possible for the body to repair itself. When you have a wound on your arm that gets infected, soaking the arm in saltwater draws out poisons. If you have damaged the intestinal tract with fissures or diverticula (small pouches in colon), the salt will cleanse in a similar way.

The Salt Water Flush is an ancient Ayurveda intestinal and whole body cleanse. It purifies the digestive system from top to bottom and leeches impurities from the organs. The two aims of any cleanse are to mobilize the waste and then eliminate it. The Salt Water Flush is mainly eliminative, so it is safe to perform on its own to rid yourself of toxins, or in combination with other cleansing procedures. While laxatives and enemas only clean out the colon, which is a relatively small part of the digestive system, the Salt Water Flush cleans the entire digestive system. It also does not promote dependence as do expensive store-bought remedies. The Salt Water Flush is often used to treat colds, high blood pressure, digestive problems, and fever. Many people report increased energy and appetite after several mornings, along with fresher breath, better sleep, cleaner skin, and improved digestion.


lemonlime said...

I like doing it when i have no work but I feel it bloats me up, I use 3 teaspoons of salt, the 2 teaspoons dont work on me.

;) said...

Yeah, I hear that you should error on the side of too much salt instead of too little.

Master Fish said...

OMG, drinking all this salty drink seem so weird. It's crazy. I've never taste this before. i believe salt water bath successes, it pass right through and cleanse many of smelly stuff away