Saturday, February 9, 2008

Day 4

Today was actually the roughest day so far. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. I kept tossing and turning and waking up every hour or so. I also have a bit more hunger than the first three days.

Did SWF this morning. I may try doing lax tea tomorrow and see what that its like. I feel a bit bloated today, which is a bit discouraging but reminds me of something a friend told me once. When you have a toxic diet like most people nowadays do, with all the chemicals and hormones in our foods, you most likely gain weight. Your body tends to store this "bad" fat in fat storing areas away from your heart, which means the butt and hips.

Because there is still toxic remains in these fat cells, when you diet and exercise and your body is ready to break that fat down it tends to bloat the area up. It is supposedly your body's natural defense, using more water in that area to help flush out the toxic fat cells. I don't know if that is true or not but it would make sense.

So all in all it was an ok day. Had a little cravings but not too bad. Did get outside for a pretty good walk right before it started to snow. Now I am being lazy surfing the net. Found some pretty cool facts about lemons. Good to know since I will be living on them for so long!

It checks the excessive flow of bile and cleanses the mouth.

It dislodges phlegm (cough) and expels wind from the digestive tract.

It helps in digestion and removes constipation.

It prevents vomiting, throat trouble, acidity and rheumatism.

It destroys intestinal worms.

Though lemon is acidic to the taste, it leaves off alkaline residues in the body. This is why it is useful in all symptoms of acidosis.

Lemon-juice is a powerful antibacterial. It has been proved by experiments that the bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases are destroyed in lemon-juice.

Natural vitamin C is much more effective than the synthetic one. Vitamin C of lemon-juice is very effective because it is combined with bioflavonoids (vitamin P). In addition to vitamin C, lemon also contains niacin and thiamin in small amounts.

Lemon-juice prevents or restrains influenza, malaria and cold.

Lemon-juice gives good relief in fever. Lemon-juice mixed with water is useful in quenching the thirst of the patients suffering from diabetes. It gives immediate relief in abdominal disorders. Lemon acts as a sedative for the nerves and the heart and allays troublesome palpitation.

Vitamin P in lemon strengthens the blood vessels and prevents internal haemorrhage. It is, therefore, extremely useful in high blood pressure, in which cerebro-vascular accidents commonly occur.

The most valuable ingredient of lemon, next to vitamin C, is citric acid, of which it contains 7.2 per cent. Lemon contains more potassium than apple or grapes, which is beneficial to the heart.

Lemon is very much useful in maintaining the health of the teeth and the bones. The vitamin C content of lemon helps considerably in calcium metabolism.

Lemon has been used for many years in gout and rheumatism. Lemon-juice is a diuretic. It, therefore, gives relief in kidney and bladder disorders. It has been used in destroying intestinal worms. It prevents vomiting and helps to cure hepatitis and other innumerable diseases.

more, later...

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